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LittleMissDeath last won the day on June 13 2021

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About LittleMissDeath

  • Birthday August 6

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  1. I forgot this place existed until someone brought it back up. The site owners need to advertise it. Word of mouth can only do so much, especially when they're relying heavily on the VampireFreaks burnouts and rejects.
  2. LittleMissDeath

    My Artwork

    All original art. Glazed and Nighshaded. Fuck AI.
  3. Halloween wedding. My bf and I have already talked about it. Old barn, spooky but elegant decorations, everyone in costume and enough candy to give my 1000 little cousins bounce off the walls like a pinball.
  4. Same as it is now, LittleMissDeath.
  5. I’m actually pretty excited to see what’s on the other side.
  6. I get customers like this all the time. I put them in their place every chance I can.
  7. I’m thinking about getting my dad and me the test, if anything just to piss him off about certain ancestors. Like I know we have French ancestry and he for some reason hates the French. I just want to be able to point out “hey, you’re 16% French! Haha!” Also the possibility that there could be non white ancestors and he’s racist as fuck. I’d hold it against him forever lmao.
  8. My only concern would be how hot it gets during the summer.
  9. Yeah, that and the dead biker who was just sprawled out on the highway on the way to work one day really did it for me. I’m still interested in the subject, but based on my reactions to those two, I don’t think I can stomach it.
  10. I wanted to be a mortician until I watched a woman get run over by a truck.
  11. My bf asked why I even bothered getting an Xbox One since I never use it. I honestly had no answer to his question. But I do use my Switch regularly.
  12. Met my ex fiancé on a FB group. Did a LDR for about 5 years with him coming to visit me often. He was mentally and emotionally abusive, and if he hadn’t been afraid of my mom, he probably would have been physically abusive, too. There were times when he acted like he was going to hit me but stopped himself when he realized my mom was in the other room, so he resorted to breaking shit and then blaming me for it. Met a guy on a dating cult on VF after I left that first asshole. The guy constantly played with my head. Another LDR. We were “sort of but not really but still sort of a thing” for like a year, then he said “hey, you’ve been there for me while I mentally tortured you and made you feel inferior, so let’s date for real!” It lasted maybe 6 months. He met up with an old school friend after a while and decided to kick me to the curb because I “wasn’t working hard enough to close the gap.” I had lost my ok paying job, had to take a lesser paying job and had no vacation time, meanwhile he was the one with a good paying job, vacation time, etc. but wanted me to do all the work. I’ve come across a plethora of creeps in between. The owner of my favorite bar (in his mid 60s) tried to match with me multiple times with different account on OKCupid, which makes going there very awkward now. Had guys ok OKC and other sites stalk me at work when I rejected them. A couple got weird because I made it clear that I’m not into flings, one night stands or poly relationships and got threatening when I told them to fuck off if that was all they were looking for. It was not fun. I’m with my best friend now. I started off basically being the merch girl/groupie for his band. Now we’ve been together for a year and I’m happier than I’ve ever been. In short, fuck online dating.
  13. Clancy Brown 🤤
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