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Everything posted by XxXVampireRobXxX

  1. tough one it ranged from top cat..... josie in the pussy cats .... Johnny quest ...swat cats... smurfs ....snorks ... sailormoon.... Drangon ball .... Gundam ....Zoids ....witch Hunter robin .... digimon... yugioh ..... batman.... batman beyond ..... xmen
  2. Ello. Azuu. And. Pumpkin.
  3. Batman the. Animated series,Buffy the Vampire Slayer,charmed,Xmen,Pokemon,Sailormoon, Dragon ball z, Naruto,True blood, ghost adventures, invader zim,
  4. Haven't even. Played 7. Tried the demo Last thing i remember almost chucked the control. Village. Looks amazing
  5. Sagittarius : December 1st
  6. Hello there Random people on the Inter 🕸 names VampireRob Hoping this place. Can be the my new home since. The old VF Kicked the bucket 😔
  7. Ello Carly
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