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Everything posted by b0b

  1. How about some Synthwave? Carpenter Brut is the shit... Sorry for the long post.....couldn't pick a fave
  2. Kathryn Winnick
  3. b0b


    The Reapers - Mass Effect I remember seeing them on the Turian planet and thinking "How the fuck am I supposed to kill those.....but hey at least I got to bang Miranda."
  4. b0b


    I forgot to include the 20-30 "Guest" staring at the event calendar for some reason.
  5. b0b


    Oh no sleep was slang for fuck probably.
  6. Possibly a few at the bottom of this page. But the original profile had a lot more. https://encyclopediadramatica.online/VampireFreaks
  7. b0b


  8. b0b


    Bruh sleeps with his guitar....
  9. Eric Rutan killing it....
  10. I forgot what email I used for that account so it is forever alone. Prolly hit up that penguin guy to delete it if he can.
  11. b0b


    Luckily the Liberals haven't found this post yet. You are safe for now. Go for it I'd say. The world is crazy and you never know. Just make sure you are honest with yourself about your mental state and the mental state of others who may have access. Keep the shit locked up. If you are the type to do deep dives into depression or lose your temper nah don't get one. Also if it for home defense get a shot gun. In real life people miss. Oh and if you get the AR be ready to mod the fuck out of it. The amount of shit you can do to them things is insane. You can probably buy a nutsack ornament to hang off it.
  12. Damn and I thought I clicked this to find out about some lovely ventilation services to get the fart smell out of my house. Fuck AOC
  13. I am glad you all bring up the boob contest thing. Back in the day you could find the profile that has the nude pictures on it. All of chicks with VF on their tits. You had to be a premium member and go to member search and search "XXX" and it would take you to the profile. Eventually it went away but I would always troll Jet about it and him and the admins always tried to make me look like a liar. I could never prove it cause the profile eventually got taken down. I am glad at least a few others knew about it and that b0b wasn't always bullshitting and trolling.
  14. b0b


    Any 7 string peeps on here? I mean there is three people logged in right now. Shit active as fuck right now...
  15. Can't believe dude has hair now...
  16. b0b


    High hello welcome we have punch and cake feel free you grab a plate. This like VF on life support. I have yet to find any Apples. Gothwire is just as dead and GoneGothic shadow banned my ass. I must have been famous. Can't imagine why.....at least we kept the shit exciting.
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