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Everything posted by ShadowBliss

  1. Played Everquest for about 15 minutes. It was more than likely a good game but I was terrible at it. I mean I had to look up a guide just to see what class of character would be the best for a newcomer. Even then, I died while fighting a spider (and I'm an Australian. That's just humiliating! Its like an American playing an FPS and dying because their gun blew up in their hands). I'd be open to playing something else but something a TAD more forgiving on casual gamers.
  2. I stopped playing modern games when microtransactions were added. I play 3DS and PSP stuff though, out of not having a TV.
  3. I'm a pro choice Aussie. I actually went to a rally in my hometown that was protesting RVW's overturn. I go to a few of those things over the years and it had a pretty big turnout, all things considered. So yes it reached news over here.
  4. Brisbane, Australia
  5. I do enjoy it but I just generally don't like what I make. I'm one of those "I'm NEVER satisfied!" types, I'm afraid.
  6. I didn't. They just sit in a folder on my laptop named "Become an Accountant"
  7. I used to make films, take photos, create music, and paint. I suffered a point of extreme creative burnout at 23 and find everything I did in each category to be at least a little embarrassing now.
  8. So I've been on this site for the last couple of days, seeing it and how it operates, and haven't actually made a post introducing myself. I am Non-Binary (possibly Transfem), I have tried to make art in the past but its never really worked out. I'm trying again to see what I can make and I'm one to try new and weird social media out to just see what comes from that.
  9. Not really "Hollywood" anymore but probably Taylor Momsen.
  10. ...I'll see how I go.
  11. The idea of a Domestic Violence group being public on Facebook is really terrifying to me. I mean the whole site is used for "You rejected me as a date at the Grade 4 Dance! Well WHO'S THE FAT, UGLY ONE NOW?!?" but in the realms of domestic violence, that just turns from hilariously pathetic to sinister real quick.
  12. I quite like Orphan Black, Twin Peaks, Paranoia Agent and I'd say the show that did the most for me is Lost Girl. I wouldn't call it the best as I acknowledge it has some major issues (I mean if anyone can defend the final 4 or 5 episodes of Season 4 as a narrative, I will actually give you money!). In that vein, I also have to give a good word to Killjoys.
  13. As a kid I quite liked Futurama (I still enjoy it today). My first anime I got really into was Blood+. My favourite anime NOW, however, would be Paranoia Agent.
  14. @Trappernicus Except for nowadays when you can't Goth up as much as you want because of the heat.
  15. No problem. Found them one day on Bandcamp and thought it fit with the site
  16. https://www.youtube.com/embed/dvS3pscc_pY
  17. My family took me to see Weird Al Yankovic when I was young. First one I went to on my own though was an Amanda Palmer one when I was 19
  18. I'm a Queenslander.
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