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Everything posted by SubRosa

  1. there's just too much about it that raises an eyebrow for me,that and the way people around me are acting about it is starting to creep me out. I'm not going to be pushed or guilt tripped into a medical procedure I'm uncertain about that's for sure.
  2. Pete's doing a good thing.πŸ™‚
  3. is the weather up there a bit unpredictable at times?
  4. i was iffy about it at first but now i flat out refuse to take it.
  5. *eek! the cat/terrible thunder lizards * earthworm Jim * the tick * spawn * street sharks *ninja turtles *ahhh! real monsters *animaniacs * Evangelion *Pokemon *sonic sat am *gogs *darkwing duck * beetlejuice *aeon flux *daria *beavis and butthead * angry beavers *plasmo *reboot *ghost in the shell *lil' elvis *technoman *twisted tales of felix the cat *skeleton warriors *ren and stimpy *rockos modern life and a bunch of others i can't recall the name of as well classic cartoons and a bunch of adult cartoons i probably shouldn't have been watching at that age.
  6. Capricorn,15,Jan
  7. seeing stuff like this makes me glad i gave up on TV ages ago. no doubt my folks have seen this and taken it as gospel πŸ˜’
  8. I I'd agree with that and I'll post something if i think I'm making a worthwhile contribution. that said i have enough trouble filling out a profile so i wouldn't expect muchπŸ˜… I'd be curious to know what the backstory on vampy freaks is though. did someone miss the old VF and decide to make their own?
  9. was DarkheartofGlass originally. left the site and came back as Sub-Rosa, which has been my name on most sites since.
  10. thanks πŸ™‚ supposed to be big storms but I've only seen a bit of light rain. what's it like in NSW?
  11. Name: Sub-Rosa State: Queensland City: Brisbane
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