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Everything posted by SkovandOfMitaze

  1. I’m still here kind of. Bouncing in and out every few months.
  2. That is great. I’m sure overtime it will build up and be more active as people randomly find out about it. I only found out about it a day or two ago in a FB group.
  3. South eastern crowned snake.
  4. This is a Mud Snake. A cool black and red semi aquatic snake that has a pointed tail it can poke with.
  5. It’s definitely a lot of fun if you enjoy it. I’m working towards rebranding everything from the typical HOA of America and moving more into “wildscaping” for residential yards. At the moment the stuff I enjoy the most is creek bank stabilization. Ive done a handful of work for botanical gardens and nature preserves. But looking forward to getting my contractors licenses and design certs to really dig into landscape design for residential properties and connecting it with construction. Hopefully in 2 years I’ll have a decent portfolio. Up until now it’s been specialty horticultural practices and custom home building.
  6. Well my favorite drink is just sweet tea with anise. If it’s not traditional drinks but includes foraged herbals I really enjoy mixing yaupon holly leaves with lavender and a bit of pine needles.
  7. Normally I support cutting toxic people out of your life. I still do. But it’s a bit more tricky when it comes to family, including in laws. All you can do is try to focus on control and concern. The whole story is very concerning. Your in-law is acting like a emotional vampire and trying to manipulate you. You can’t control her and you can’t control how she will feel. Since you can’t control it, you should limit the amount of concern you give to it. Just try to stay calm and make sure you are being fair and stand steady where you draw the line. I hope it gets better.
  8. I am glad that a forum/ social media site is back up. It already feels a bit better than the other random ones I’ve jumped through. Same name as what I went by previously. Still doing the same things. Spending most of my day at work doing construction and landscaping and most of my free time out in nature and ending my day at home reading , watching horror films and playing with my cats.
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