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Everything posted by Rickypasket

  1. https://youtu.be/QpzYSw0iHSY
  2. Yes
  3. I installed the reverse turn signal lights
  4. Work work work
  5. I'm still pushing along
  6. It's a slow progression as I correct stuff. Getting the right hood
  7. I upload music I upload animals, and cars and tons of stuff
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  8. Awe but the dog behead a goat. so loose is a very bad idea. But chain is longer now he broke the last one
  9. https://youtube.com/shorts/7LBz305z8io?feature=share
  10. did some installs
  11. Yes I wire brushed it and vacuumed
  12. Yes Its gonna get fun
  13. Picking up more parts in a few days
  14. Hmm I'm not sure but the video is out and in December more new music
  15. Thanks in December I'm dropping anthoner video called darkness calls
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